Privileged Access Management

What Are Privileged Access?

Privileged accounts in a computer system are those that have more permissions than standard users. In a Linux system, for instance, the root user has access to features that are normally inaccessible to other users, such as the ability to create, edit, and delete accounts, as well as install and uninstall programs. In Windows, the equivalent of a root user is known as an administrator, but otherwise, the security model is the same.

The frequency of data breaches is rapidly rising. The destructive effects of breaches are becoming more apparent to organizations of all sizes. The most important thing the businesses can do to avoid data breaches is to have a thorough cybersecurity system that can identify and fight against assaults. Privileged access management (PAM) offers the tools and advantages that businesses need to stay safe.
Privileged access management (PAM) is the most effective method for spotting and stopping data breaches in action.

What is PAM?

An information security method known as Privileged Access Management (PAM) is responsible for protecting "privileged" users who have access to more resources and capabilities than the average user. PAM, like other infosec systems, relies on a trifecta of manpower, procedure, and hardware to achieve its goals. Due to the increased danger they provide to the infrastructure, we handle privileged accounts with extreme caution. If the credentials for an administrator or service account, for instance, were to fall into the wrong hands, the organization's systems and sensitive data may be compromised. Due to the increased danger they provide to the infrastructure, we handle privileged accounts with extreme caution. If the credentials for an administrator or service account, for instance, were to fall into the wrong hands, the organization's systems and sensitive data may be compromised. Let's use a practical example from the banking industry to better understand the meaning of privileged access. Customers, tellers, and upper management all make up a normal bank. When it comes to withdrawing money from the bank, each "user" has its own unique set of permissions. Money in checking accounts is the sole method of withdrawal for customers. Bank tellers are afforded more convenience than the general public by having unlimited access to their cash drawers. Managers have even more access to the bank's funds than tellers do since they have keys to the vault. To continue with our banking analogy, the users with elevated privileges would be tellers and managers. Tellers and managers have more access to the bank's cash than clients do, thus the institution must take extra precautions to protect it. It's possible, for instance, that they'll need to pass a background check in order to get the job. Their position at the bank will decide the areas of the building they are allowed to enter. In a bank, tellers may have access to the safe deposit box, but only management will have access to the vault.
Until 2023, Gartner predicts that the customer will be to blame for at least 99% of cloud security failures, with 50% of problems stemming from insufficient access, identity, and privileged management.

What’s The Risk?

When malicious actors gain access to accounts with elevated privileges, sensitive data might be stolen or compromised. We need extra safeguards since these accounts are the master keys to the whole IT infrastructure. Privileged Access Management provides further safety measures

  • Data breaches caused by phishing occurred in 47.7 % of cases. this is likely due to stolen credentials from unsuspecting users.
  • 9 % of security flaws were caused by carelessness on the part of employees, such as mistakes, inappropriate disposal, or loss.
  • Experts predict that by 2022, the average cost of a data breach would be above $150 million.
  • 197 days is the average time it takes for a company to discover a security compromise.
  • 81% of victims of data breaches do not have a mechanism in place to automatically identify data breaches.
  • Nearly 175 million records were compromised due to data breaches in 2017.
  • It's quite evident that businesses need a method for safeguarding their systems and data against the most pernicious of assaults.
Until 2023, Gartner predicts that the customer will be to blame for at least 99% of cloud security failures, with 50% of problems stemming from insufficient access, identity, and privileged management.

How PAM Programme Can Be A Value Addition?

Privileged Access Management (PAM) is responsible for protecting "privileged" users who have access to more resources and capabilities than the average user . It simplifies the authorizing and monitoring of privileged users, which helps guard against the inadvertent or purposeful abuse of privileged access. The best method to protect your most sensitive information and infrastructure against intrusion is to limit and keep close tabs on who has access to it.


1. Implement the principle of "least privilege,"

The Principle of Least Privilege must be applied before privileged account management can be tackled. An essential component of any PAM system is the ability to restrict access to sensitive data by users with less privileged accounts.

2. Keep track of all privileged Accounts

If your PAM system doesn't provide privileged account management, you can't handle them. Consider temporary privileged authorizations Think twice before giving someone permanent access privileges; it would be better to provide them temporarily when they need it and then revoke them.

3. User Role-Based Access Control

You need to implement role-based access control in order for Privileged Access Management to function properly in your system. For instance, if every user is also an administrator, security and administration become considerably more difficult.

4. Automate

You may improve the effectiveness of your information security infrastructure and lessen the likelihood of human mistakes by automating it.

5. Monitor, Log, and Audit

To guarantee an organization has the insights it needs to secure its environment, it is crucial to continuously monitor and actively record all privileged account activity. An audit of the logs should be performed often, though. The company wouldn't have access to the data it needs to properly assess threats and take protective action without it. To guarantee an organization has the insights it needs to secure its environment, it is crucial to continuously monitor and actively record all privileged account activity. An audit of the logs should be performed often, though. The company wouldn't have access to the data it needs to properly assess threats and take protective action without it.

How Can We Help

Identityskills Services offers implementation all of the PAM features that businesses want in order to strengthen their security and reduce the risk of breaches.


Are you looking for a Fresh Start


  • Phase1 – Virtual Workshops on PAM
  • Phase2 – Current state analysis and future state Recommendations
  • Phase3 – Vendor comparison
  • Phase4 : PAM Deployment

Already Working with PAM but need enhancements?


  • Phase1- Requirement gathering, Current state analysis and future state Recommendations
  • Phase2: Implementing the approved enhancements

Need Regular support and maintenance

On-site or remote IAM support services with flexible support model

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